
I’m UK British, born in London, raised in Maidstone and now live in Broadstairs, Kent, have two grown up sons and two grandsons.  I am very happily married to Jane, who has three boys from previous marriages and we’re now one big, happy family.

I trained as an electronic design engineer at Chelsea College, University of London, then worked at GEC Avionics in Rochester, where I moved into IT, worked at Pfizer Central Research in Sandwich, moved into academia IT by working at Folkestone Academy, finishing my money earning career doing IT stuff at Canterbury Cathedral (great fun)  and now very happily retired – hooray!!  A reasonably varied career, I think.

I’ve been a keen Apple fan since day one and, although not a perfect company, I do feel that I understand where they’re coming from and respect their ethos – they really do steer the whole IT world (especially consumer end) in the right direction.  I still cannot understand those that struggle with Windows and say they like it – probably just masochists.  MS do some good server operating systems, although again their admin through the Windows interface is as atrocious as ever.

I really enjoy motorcycling (riding, touring, mending, off-road, sports, trails and trials riding) and I’m now focussing on trail riding.  I started the Kent TRF with my old mate Steve Neville and now sort of run the East Kent branch.  I’ve recently bought a Mazda MX-5 (a sort-of Goldwing replacement) and we’ll be doing a EuroTour later this year (2019) with some friends of ours (in their MX-5) – should be good fun!

I think that’ll do as a synopsis.  🙂

Here I Go!

WordPress blog. What’s this about? Learning about this to advise others and maybe use it myself. Suck it and see is where I’m at for now…

First, how easy is it to use? Secondly, how private or public can it be? Are entries by default public! Do friends and family have to be invited? Do they need WordPress accounts? Let’s find out…..